COVID-19 Life In Isolation: Views From HuffPost Readers

Our editors have picked some of your most thought-provoking comments from last week’s top stories.
In a poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of reader comments.
In a poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of reader comments.
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Every week, HuffPost editors read your comments on our top stories and highlight those that cut through the noise and make us think, help us see things from a different perspective, start conversations or even change our minds.

For a chance to be featured here, participate in the comments by clicking the gray speech bubble to the left, next to the social share icons, which will open up the comments panel.

Comments have been edited for clarity, spelling, punctuation and length.

“Nothing says insanity more than gathering in large groups to “protest” good health practices keeping them and their families safe and healthy.”

— Linda Irwin

“If we end the lockdown too soon, it will mean millions of deaths. (If) correctly managed, we could do it without needing to choose between death and the economy. It would require real leadership to do it. It would require massive testing to ensure we know what the real statistics are.”

— Tob C

“It’s really not funny that so many food-deprived people now have to wait a little longer.”

— Bob Nowosacki

“Should have read ‘From the American people to the American people.’”

— Max Shepherd

“How can you have no responsibility but total authority? That is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard from a leader.”

— Chris McPhee

“This president doesn’t get that he’s an employee, a temp at that, and above all else is a servant to the American people.”

— Heller Highwater

“What upsets me the most is that they don’t understand that they are putting everybody else at risk.”

— Virginia Ortiz

Looks like all those protesting don’t care about their lives or the lives of their parents or other seniors.”

— Dale Berman

I think that’s something a lot of people don’t realize. We’re not doing this social distancing in the hope that we’ll never get it, most of us will – we’re hoping to spread it out so that hospitals can cope.”

— Sarah Stone

“I think this pandemic is asking us to rethink our assumption about the economy: what it is, whom it serves and how it works. The lockdowns have exposed far more people to economic distress, including many who are normally shielded during business turndowns.”

— Alvin Howard

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