Presidential Transition And Fraud Allegations: Views from HuffPost Readers

Our editors have picked some of your most thought-provoking comments from last week’s top stories.
In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of reader comments.
In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of reader comments.
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Every week, HuffPost editors read your comments on our top stories and highlight those that cut through the noise and make us think, help us see things from a different perspective, start conversations or even change our minds.

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Comments have been edited for clarity, spelling, punctuation and length.

Nothing wrong with asking for a recount and/or investigation. Cool. However, you should prepare for the transition regardless. ... There is no harm in releasing the funds. If for some strange reason the election changes, I don’t think the money we spent will break us.”

—John Adams

“All rational Americans should want to verify a fair election with no cheating.”

—Sleepy Joe

“An investigation is not an indictment of the system but baseless claims of voter fraud should be.”

—Sammy Boddie

“There is an old rule among lawyers. When the law is on your side, attack with that law; when the facts are on your side, attack with those facts; if neither is on your side, attack everything.”

—Sharon Alejo

Let’s not mince words. When they say we should “reach out,” they really mean we should be prepared to compromise, not just forgive and forget.”

—Drew Circle

Some fences cannot, and should not, be mended.”

—Brandy Grote

These folks who claim to be patriots, really need to stop and take a look at what they are doing and how it goes against those very principles they preach (constitution and law and order.)”

—Darcel B

“Day after day, these people shatter their oaths of office and should be held responsible.”

—Shawn MacKenzie

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