Reopening During COVID-19: Views From HuffPost Readers

Our editors have picked some of your most thought-provoking comments from last week’s top stories.
In a poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of readers' comments.
In a poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of readers' comments.
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Every week, HuffPost editors read your comments on our top stories and highlight those that cut through the noise and make us think, help us see things from a different perspective, start conversations or even change our minds.

For a chance to be featured here, participate in the comments by clicking the gray speech bubble to the left, next to the social share icons, which will open up the comments panel.

Comments have been edited for clarity, spelling, punctuation and length.

“We pushed to reopen before we were ready, causing a spike in cases as predicted, and the economy is still terrible. Who could have guessed, except everyone.”

Erik Wehr

“America is not a country where labor gets a handout. We are a country where labor works until it dies.”

Bruce Levene

“Pure disregard for our Constitution, and the right to peacefully assemble.”

Dennis WM

“Good for her to take a peaceful stand. Her civil rights were denied. I hope the ACLU steps up to help her.”

Steve Herman

“Until there is a viable vaccine COVID-19 will not be slowed enough to control. Even then the virus could mutate making it a consistent challenge.”

Richard Clay

“This is what happens when you feel invincible in the middle of a pandemic.”

Kelly Williams

“D.C. should be a state, no question. No real representation, no vote about anything that happens to their constituency.”

George Pole

“No way. It’s a city. It’s not a state. If the people there want the benefits of statehood, annex it to Maryland or Virginia.”

Charles James

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