cancer survivor

"If I can’t afford that dress shirt, I don’t get to get it," the staffer told a three-time cancer survivor.
"If I could get healthy enough to model, I might inspire another young cancer kid like me not to give up."
Experts and those who've lived with the illness share how you can really offer your support.
After treatment, many survivors face sexual dysfunction. For young adults, these problems can be especially challenging.
Thomas, a fifth-grader from Bowie, Maryland, didn’t cut his locks for two years just so he could donate them to cancer survivors.
The threat or life-long reality of no hair is scary, painful and hard.
There was a growing urge to bring more love and compassion into this world after having almost lost my life.
She's been selling out shows for more than a decade, and this summer is no different. The Grammy-nominated singer joins HuffPost Rise to talk about her fight to get back where she belongs: center stage.
Don’t spend your time worrying about the future or feeling badly about the past.