fast fashion

The China-based fast-fashion giant is accused of carrying out “large-scale and systematic intellectual property theft” by several U.S. artists and designers.
"I gave myself a personal challenge: no buying any clothing or accessories — for myself — for 365 days."
The advocate and designer is changing the way we think about fashion’s impact on the world around us.
The industry is churning it out, but only because you keep buying it. Here's what you can do to break the cycle.
From outsmarting the algorithm to calculating the true cost of clothes, a lifestyle influencer and teenager reveal what made them rethink their digital shopping habits.
Nearly 65 percent of the clothing we buy ends up in landfills.
"Bank statements served as a permanent reminder of my fast fashion addiction long after the forgettable pieces I’d bought, worn and tossed had headed to a landfill."
Fashion Nova acknowledged its products have been "driven by her influential style."
The fashion industry is a big climate culprit, but social media continues to encourage our unsustainable consumption of disposable clothing.
“It is absolutely possible to build a profitable and sustainable and responsible ― ethically and socially ― fashion company."