
Wonderful people sometimes do terrible things to guacamole.
Sure, people love avocados. But if you’ve ever sliced into one and found imperfections, you may have wondered if love was enough.
The guacamole spectrum is wide, and you may have questions about the kind that comes in a tub. Let's address your biggest qualms.
“Gobbled it down, lickety-split. The salami didn’t stand a chance,” Floridian Trevor Walters said.
You could pay more for guacamole and margaritas if President Donald Trump follows through on his threat to raise tariffs on Mexican imports if Mexico can’t stop the flow of immigrants coming into the United States.
Wonderful people sometimes do terrible things to guacamole.
"I personally have never seen an ugly baby, but I have seen plenty of ugly brown guacamole."
Perfect your chip and guac form ... before it's too late.
It should be Guacamole Day every day.