The Products Dentists Recommend To Help Treat Dry Mouth

The sprays, gels and over-the-counter solutions that experts recommend to relieve dry mouth and why you shouldn't ignore it.
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A pasty, sandpaper feeling in the mouth, bad breath and difficulty swallowing are all symptoms of a chronic dry mouth — symptoms that JoAnn Gurenlian, a dental hygienist and director of education and research with the American Dental Hygienists Association, experienced herself when undergoing cancer treatment several years ago.

“It was so bad at one point my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth,” Gurenlian said of this common issue, which, according to her, can be caused by a number of things including medications, autoimmune disorders and underlying conditions like diabetes.

Dr. Corey Brick, a New York City-based dental surgeon, told HuffPost that if it is left unadressed, a chronically dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, can be the catalyst for a number of severe oral health issues, namely rampant tooth decay or aggressive gum disease.   

“Our saliva is protective, containing antibodies that help to fight and neutralize the bacteria that cause either cavities or gum disease. With reduced salivary flow, our bodies can’t fight off those bacteria as well and they can accumulate rapidly in the form of plaque,” Brick said. Gurenlian added that recurrent mouth and fungal infections can also become a risk. 

The vital function that a healthy supply of saliva plays also goes beyond plaque control. It’s necessary to consume and digest foods properly, too.  

“With reduced salivary flow, people can have difficulty eating and digesting their foods, leading to heartburn, reflux and poor nourishment,” Brick cautioned.  

Guerlian noted the toll that dry mouth can also have on mental health, saying that it can impact a person’s ability to enjoy their food or be social. 

“If you are taking an antihistamine because you have a sinus problem or you have hay fever and season allergies, this might be something that’s just a very temporary situation,” she said. “But, if you’re noticing that your symptoms are building up and not going away, even after you’ve stopped taking medication, it might be time to go to your doctor or your dental professional and say, ‘What can I do about this?’”  

Even years later, Gurenlian remembers the discomfort that her dry mouth played in her everyday life, but she insists that you don’t have to suffer in silence. Aside from creating a personalized treatment plan with your dental professional, she said that hope can also be found in over-the-counter products, some of which we have rounded up in the list below with the help of our dental experts.  

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Saliva-producing gum and mints
Brick explained that xylitol is a sugar alternative that can prevent cavities and increase saliva production. It can be found in some lozenges or gums, like these from Spry and Xylichew, both of which are made with natural ingredients that are beneficial to oral health and come in a variety of flavors like cinnamon and spearmint.

"Just keep it away from your pets," Guerlian warned, as xylitol is toxic to dogs.
A moisturizing mouth gel
"Gel products lubricate the mouth, [and] can be very soothing for patients," Guerlian said. Using a blend of glycerin and saliva-stimulating agents like xylitol, this moisturizing gel can provide long-lasting relief while also freshening breath.
A 12-pack of hydrating coconut water
Both Guerlian and Brick stressed the importance of regular water intake as a way to moisten the mouth and keep hydrated.

"I have found that coconut water is a great alternative [to water] since the natural sodium content helps to draw water and saliva back into the mouth," Brick said.

You can grab a 12-pack of this organic and sustainably sourced coconut water, packed full of natural electrolytes and nutrients.
A lubricating dry mouth spray
One of Brick's favorite oral sprays for stimulating saliva production is this one from Lubricity, a flavorless and odorless spray that instantly relieves dry mouth. It's formulated with five simple ingredients including xylitol and hyaluronic acid, a powerful humectant that draws moisture into the skin.
A pH-balanced oral rinse for dry mouth
Brick said that Bioténe's oral rinse formulated just for dry mouth is very popular. This alcohol- and sugar free rinse lubricates and soothes for up to four hours while also helping the mouth to maintain a balanced pH.
A lanolin-rich superbalm
This all purpose rescue balm can help alleviate any migrating lip soreness or dryness. The salve is made with lanolin, a non-pore-clogging emollient that's rich in vitamin D, which can rapidly help repair skin and lock in hydration.
An ultrasonic cool mist humidifier
"When addressing dry mouth symptoms, sometimes it's important to first check what's going on in your environment. Is it overly drying?" Guerlian said. She suggested buying a humidifier which can help hydrate the air in your home.

This near impeccably rated option has an ultrasonic cool mist that keeps dry air moist for up to 25 hours. It also has a 360-degree nozzle that helps keep a consistent balance and regulates the humidity in your home to help relieve cold-like symptoms such as sinus issues.

Before You Go

Dentist-Approved Products To Get A Healthy Smile
A bad breath-targeting rinse ideal for sensitive mouths(01 of09)
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Lewis said that she prefers the more natural and alcohol-free chlorine-dioxide mouth rinse by Closys. This naturally activated and pH-balanced formula won't irritate or burn sensitive mouths and earned the ADA seal of approval for effectively targeting bacteria and reducing the causes of bad breath, rather than just masking odors temporarily. One reviewer on Amazon called this rinse a game-changer. (credit:Amazon)
A pack of popular and highly rated whitening strips(02 of09)
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Messina said that before looking for at-home whitening products, you first need to address the reasons your teeth might not be at their brightest shade: "Whitening won’t solve issues like plaque buildup or things like decay. These need to be treated before teeth can be whitened or else it could make teeth more sensitive."

Once you get the go-ahead from your dentist, these Crest no-slip grip whitening strips with over 10,400 five-star reviews on Amazon can be a safe and effective way to lift stains from teeth without harming enamel, according to the ADA. When used once a day for 30 days, Crest claims these strips can whiten teeth up to eight shades with no sensitivity and one reviewer claimed that her own dentist remarked on how white her teeth were.
A great general fluoride toothpaste that addresses a number of concerns(03 of09)
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Messina told HuffPost that when choosing a toothpaste, it's always best to look for one that contains fluoride in addition to being ADA-approved. Crest's Pro-Health 8-in-1 fluoride toothpaste uses sodium hydroxide to target a variety of oral health concerns, from gingivitis to enamel erosion and plaque buildup. It also has over 20,000 five-star reviews on Amazon and had one Amazon reviewer claiming that it was the best toothpaste that they had ever used. (This deal comes with two tubes of toothpaste.) (credit:Amazon)
An ADA-approved electric toothbrush with over 66,500 five-star reviews(04 of09)
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Messina said that although it’s possible to get just as good of a clean with a manual toothbrush as you can with a powered one, sonic brushes can be good for people with limited dexterity. According to Phillips Sonicare, this electric sonic toothbrush can remove up to five times more plaque than manual brushing, even in harder-to-reach places like along the gum line and in between teeth. It features two intensities and also indicates how long you should spend brushing each area to avoid over-brushing. A pressure sensor notifies you when you are pressing too hard, making this a great option for people with gums that are sensitive or recession-prone. (credit:Amazon)
A total care fluoride mouthwash with glowing reviews for everyday use(05 of09)
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According to the ADA, Listerine's Total Care anti-cavity mouthwash offers six oral health benefits when used daily. It uses sodium fluoride to help prevent the development of cavities, strengthen teeth, restore enamel and kill bad breath-causing bacteria.

Messina told HuffPost that in most cases, alcohol in mouthwash is good; however, alcohol-free options may be better for individuals prone to dry mouth as long as it still has the ADA seal of acceptance. You can get the zero-alcohol version of Listerine’s Total Care mouthwash, also on Amazon.
A great way to clean in between teeth if you struggle with regular floss(06 of09)
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Messina said that although traditional flossing is highly effective, opting for a powered irrigation tool such as a water flosser can be good for individuals that have limited dexterity or wear braces.

This water flosser by Waterpik comes with ADA seal of approval and over 74,000 five-star ratings on Amazon. It uses a pulse-modulation technology for maximum plaque removal and has a hydro-pulse massage mode to help stimulate gums and improve circulation. The 360-degree rotating tip also ensures that the pressurized water reaches all surfaces of the teeth.
A well-loved fluoride toothpaste for gum health(07 of09)
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If gum health is one of your main concerns, this highly rated and ADA-approved gum detoxifying toothpaste from Crest may worth trying out. It uses an activated foaming formula to better penetrate harder-to-reach areas in the mouth, specifically along the gum line, while neutralizing harmful plaque and bacteria. One reviewer on Amazon said that this toothpaste helped to eliminate their gum bleeding.
This deal comes with three tubes.
A solid choice for daily flossing(08 of09)
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"Flossing is a habit that we [dentists] value just as much as brushing. I recommend finding a way to make it easy to incorporate it into your routine, like keeping a couple of floss picks in areas where you consistently find yourself," Lewis said.

DenTek's no-shred and no-break flossing picks have over 40,600 five-star reviews on Amazon and utilize a scrubbing-like floss that can help remove plaque even between tightly spaced or crowded teeth. Each pick is also coated in fluoride for added dental protection, and one other side features a minty fresh tongue scraper for tongue cleaning.
A good general soft-bristled and anti-bacterial manual toothbrush(09 of09)
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When it comes to manual toothbrushing, Messina said that a good soft-bristled toothbrush used at least twice a day can be just as effective as a power-operated option. The Pro-Sys soft toothbrushes are ADA-approved and made with optimal end-rounding bristles that prevent harmful bacteria growth on the toothbrush and in the mouth. Additionally, the ergonomic handle is also antiseptic in order to harbor less gunk than other toothbrush options. (credit:Amazon)

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