The 13 Best Snacks To Eat When You're Trying To Lose Weight

No flavorless rice cakes here.

When you're eating healthfully in an attempt to shed some pounds, your snacks need not be as bland as cardboard. In fact, as proven by Redbook's video above, there are some truly tasty bites that will satisfy your afternoon "hangries." And it's a good idea to set yourself up with snacks that you actually enjoy: Some research shows that diet trumps exercise when it comes to losing weight.

Enticing combinations like avocado, goji berries and lime juice or chocolate chips and peanuts can quench any kind of hankering you may be having while at the same time complementing -- not wrecking -- your weight loss goals. Check out some of the other delectable snack options in the video above, then feel free to thank us. 

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8 Healthy Office Snacks
Whole Wheat Crackers and Peanut Butter(01 of08)
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Save your quarters by skipping the vending machine's peanut butter crackers and packing your own nutritious snack. For a hunger-curbing option, try 10 multigrain wheat crackers (such as Multigrain Wheat Thins) and a tablespoon of peanut butter. This nutrient-rich snack rings in at just 193 calories and offers 2 grams of fiber. The combination of complex carbs and protein help to keep your blood sugar stable and keep you feeling full longer. See More: Top Protein-Rich Foods
Nuts(02 of08)
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Make the swap and choose nuts over chips for a crunchy alternative. Nuts are rich in heart-healthy fats but are calorically dense (about 170 calories per ounce) so measure out an ounce (about 24 almonds) and stick to that amount instead of feasting on the entire bag. Stash premeasured baggies of nuts in an office drawer or in your purse to nibble on when the 3 p.m. hunger pains hit. Almonds and other nuts are a naturally high source of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium and are rich in protein and fiber.See More: 100 Easy Chicken Recipes
Popcorn With Parmesan(03 of08)
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Fruit(04 of08)
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Grab an apple, banana, pear, grapes, or other portable fruit as you dash out the door every morning. If you grab a different fruit every day (and change with the seasons), you'll obtain a good variety of nutrients plus fiber, and won't get bored with the same old snack. The average serving of fruit is around 70 calories so pair with a cup of fat-free milk (about 90 calories) for a protein boost as well as extra calcium and vitamin D. This protein and fiber combination will keep you feeling full and prevent mindless eating.See More: 12 Ways to Eat More Vegetables and Fruit
Instant Oatmeal(05 of08)
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When you're in a rush at work and want something warm and comforting, heat a packet of plain instant oatmeal (just 110 calories) in the microwave for a quick and satisfying treat. Choose plain oatmeal and add your own flavorings to control the calorie and sugar content. Top with a 42 calorie mini box of raisins for a sweet flavor and added nutrients or sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Doubling as a fiber-rich breakfast or daytime snack, oatmeal helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease.See More: 100-Calorie Oatmeal Toppings
Mini Pitas with Hummus(06 of08)
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Use mini pita pockets to scoop up creamy hummus. Whether you make your own hummus or choose a favorite brand at the grocery store, hummus is made from chickpeas, a great source of soluble fiber. This soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Pair one serving of hummus, 2 tablespoons, with 3 mini pita rounds for a 150 calorie snack. If you want a protein boost, fill the mini pita pockets with an ounce of low-sodium deli ham or turkey. The fiber and protein combo gives the snack some staying power to keep you feeling full longer.See More: Make Your Own Hummus: 11 Recipes
Snack Bars(07 of08)
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If you're having a sweet attack and are looking for a healthy "bar" that isn't loaded with sugar, reach for one that is all natural. Brands like LaraBar and KIND are good sources of fiber, contain no added sugar, and are made from whole, natural ingredients like dates, almonds, cashews, and cranberries. These bars are rich in fiber, low in sodium, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and run around 200 calories per serving. Pack these convenient bars in a purse or pocket for an instantly sweet and filling snack.See More: Choose the Best Energy Bar for You
Veggies with Ranch(08 of08)
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Beat the high-fat, high-sodium snacks featured at the convenience store and pack a container of fresh veggies like carrots, celery, and grape tomatoes. Raw veggies fill you up because of their high water and fiber content. If you struggle eating veggies in the buff, try dipping them in 2 tablespoons of low-fat Ranch dressing (80 calories), hummus (70 calories), or salsa (10 calories).See More: 101 Healthy Soups

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