Billy Crystal Mocks Princess Diana's Laugh At 'When Harry Met Sally' Orgasm Scene

The comedian had some fun telling the story of his night at a 1989 screening with the beloved royal.

Comedian Billy Crystal got cheeky recalling the distinctive way Princess Diana laughed at the orgasm scene in “When Harry Met Sally.” (Watch the video below.)

Crystal and his co-star Meg Ryan sat with the royal during a 1989 screening of the film comedy in London. The comic recalled how the entire audience section below looked up to the balcony to see Di’s reaction to the famous scene of Ryan’s Sally faking an orgasm in a deli.

“I’ll have what she’s having,” director Rob Reiner’s mother, Estelle, quips in the classic moment.

Diana “started laughing so hard,” Crystal told Andy Cohen in a “Best of 2021” clip posted by “Watch What Happens Live” on Thursday.

Then Crystal proceeded to imitate the laugh, which sounded like an old man gasping for breath.

“She had one of those kind of laughs that if it was a date, I don’t think I’d see her again,” the comic cracked. 

“But she was so wonderful, loved the movie and it was really a thrill,” he added.

When “Harry Met Sally” celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019, Crystal said it was “awesome” to hear Diana’s laughter. She died in 1997 in a car crash.