Why Did The Dying Grandma Shred $1 Million?

Disinheritance is becoming a thing, but that doesn't answer the many questions about this story.
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By now we've all heard about the dying 85-year-old Austrian woman who supposedly chopped up $1 million rather than let her relatives inherit it. Headlines describe her as "miserly" "spiteful," and "vengeful." Maybe she is; maybe she's not.

Police say that the unidentified woman died in a retirement home and when the workers were removing her possessions they discovered that she had chopped up 950,000 euros into tiny pieces on her bed. I'm guessing that no one in her family was present at her death or perhaps they would have noticed the scraps of money surrounding her: I'd think that $1 million -- or 950,000 euros -- would make for a lot of little pieces.

Anyway, now her relatives are busy trying to tape together what remains of the bills because bank President Friedrich Hammerschmidt of Oesterreichische Nationalbank said the family will likely be able to recover their inheritance if the heirs can find enough shreds of the money. He told the Kurier newspaper, "If we didn't pay out the money then we would be punishing the wrong people."

Really? Why is that? I'm wondering what Hammerschmidt knows about this woman and her relationship to her family -- or even what her intentions were. He said the bank normally does not replace intentionally destroyed money, but an exception can be made in cases where the person who destroyed the bills may not have been in their right mind. So is he saying that she suffered dementia?

Maybe, just maybe, the woman knew precisely what she was doing. I throw that idea out there because being disinherited is becoming an increasingly common thing -- for various reasons. According to a 2007 survey of high-net-worth Americans by PNC Wealth Management, 40 percent of respondents said they consider the emotional connection they have with an heir in determining how much money to leave that person. So if you have a damaged relationship, you might tighten your purse strings and practice a little tough love.

On one hand, we have those who want their children to be self-sufficient. Last spring, British comedian Lenny Henry said it was entirely appropriate for rich parents to cut their children out of an inheritance so they could learn to "stick up for themselves." The 56-year-old praised other celebrities including pop star Sting and Simon Cowell who have said they will not be leaving vast sums of money to their children. And of course there is Warren Buffett, who opted to give his kids values instead of billions. But in all those cases, the estate would be donated to charities -- not be turned into mattress confetti.

Then there are those elderly parents and grandparents who take all this "second chapter" stuff to heart. They reinvent themselves with new spouses and embark on adventures in their later years. Sometimes the wealth accumulated from their first family embarks with them. We know a woman who initially was thrilled that her 84-year-old father began to date again after four years of widowhood. She became less thrilled when Dad announced his engagement and his intention to leave everything to his new, 10-years-younger wife. "Your mother wanted me to be happy," he offered as way of explanation. Perhaps not that happy.

His daughter is correct as she sees the scenario being played out like this: Dad dies, the new wife gets everything and when she dies, the estate she inherited goes to her children and grandchildren, not his. At least Dad told his daughter of his intentions while he was still alive. Sometimes, it comes as a shock that wills and trusts were changed upon remarriage.

It's no secret that settling an estate is often fraught with surprises and bumps. Relatives come out of the woodwork to stake their claim. Siblings who rivaled for mom's attentions as kids now rival for her money.

As for this money-destroying Austrian grandma, the story feels riddled with holes. How did she get so much cash and didn't it take awhile to cut it all up? Where was the staff while this was occurring -- not to mention where was the family while Grammy was playing with scissors?  How fast did it take her family to run to the bank and ask what could be done about it? And perhaps most important, what did the woman's will say about where she wanted her money to go? It was, after all, hers.

Maybe the morale of this story is: Karma can be a bitch.

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Financial Resources for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Financial Assistance(01 of05)
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For starters, find out whether your family qualifies for your state's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which may include cash assistance, food stamps and free or low-cost daycare. Or, if your household income is too high to qualify as a family, ask about the "child-only grant" for just the grandchild's support alone. Also, find out if your state offers any additional programs like guardianship subsidies, non-parent grants or kinship care. Contact your state TANF program or call your county social services office for more information.You also need to find out if your grandkids are eligible for Social Security, including benefits for children, survivor benefits or SSI. You can find this out at your local Social Security office, or call 800-772-1213 or see www.ssa.gov.And finally, use benefitscheckup.org, a comprehensive web resource that helps you search for additional financial assistance programs that you may be eligible for, such as lower energy bills, discounts on prescription medications and more. (credit:benefitscheckup.org)
Tax Benefits(02 of05)
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In addition to the financial assistance resources, Uncle Sam offers some tax benefits that may help you too like the Dependency Exemption which allows you to deduct $3,800 in 2102 on each qualifying grandchild.There's also the Earned Income Tax Credit or EITC which is available to those with moderate to low incomes, or the Child Tax Credit if you make too much money to qualify for the EITC.If you're working, and are incurring child care expenses in order to work, there's a Child and Dependent Care Credit that can help. And, if you choose to legally adopt your grandkids, there's an Adoption Credit that provides a federal tax credit of up to $12,650 per child.There are even education-related tax credits through the American Opportunity Tax Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit to help if your grandkids go to college.To learn more about these tax benefits call 800-829-1040, or visit www.irs.gov. You can also call the IRS publication line at 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you the following publications: 501, 503, 596, 970, 972, and Form 8839. (credit:Alamy)
Health Insurance(03 of05)
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If your grandkids need health insurance, depending on your income level, you may be able to get free or low-cost health insurance through your state's Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. See insurekidsnow.gov or call 877-543-7669 for more information. (credit:insurekidsnow.gov)
Legal Issues(04 of05)
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You also need to talk to a family law attorney to discuss the pros and cons of obtaining legal guardianship, custody or adoption. Without some sort of legal custody, you may not be eligible for many of the previously listed financial assistance programs, and there can be problems with basic things like enrolling your grandkids in school, or giving a doctor permission to treat them.If your need help locating affordable or free legal assistance use findlegalhelp.org, or call the Eldercare Locator at 800-677-1116 for referrals. (credit:Alamy)
Savvy tip(05 of05)
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To find support with other grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, visit the AARP GrandCare Support Locator at giclocalsupport.org where you can search for support groups in your area. (credit:aarp.org)