Autoimmune Disorders

"I pulled all the lightbulbs out of their sockets; the brightness stung my eyes. I did not know what was wrong with me, but I felt betrayed by my own body."
The actor said the illness left him unable to see or hear for an extended period of time.
From tingling to vertigo, here are a few early signs of MS to watch out for.
We’ve come to a point in gay sex where “Positive” means “Discussion” and little else. PrEP is doing the same for condoms.
If history is any guide, politicizing words like "transgender," "fetus" and "evidence-based" will only hurt Americans.
“Our hope is that by sharing their stories with one another, we can show that there is life beyond HIV," said Positively Aware editor-in-chief Jeff Berry.
The Trump administration not only reinstated the Global Gag Rule, it expanded it – by 15 times.
"It’s good and big news,” a deputy health commissioner said.
“Don’t let my status stop you from having sex with me.”