
The Pontiff apologized last month for abuses in Canada’s church-run residential schools but wants to personally apologize to survivors of misguided Catholic missionary zeal.
Before the pandemic, Canadians were allowed to visit the Haskell Free Library without having to visit a customs post.
Canadians Ron Batuigas and Nick McNaught were looking for distraction from the cold.
While searching for answers on why Iran shot the Ukrainian airliner down, Canadians also have not let President Trump escape blame.
Thanks to politicians, racism nationwide is louder than ever before, these Canadians say.
In an effort to stop the Conservatives, some voters aren't going with the party they actually want.
The Miss Universe pageant is gearing up in Coral Gables, Florida and one of the best parts of the preliminary competition is the National Costume Show. A writer for NPR calls it the ‘Olympics Of Gaudy Excess’.