defense department

The former general took several days to inform the White House of his cancer diagnosis and emergency hospitalization last month.
Secretary Lloyd Austin came under fire for waiting several days before informing top government leaders, including the president, that he was being hospitalized.
The Senate has unanimously confirmed 11 top-ranking military officers.
Arkansas and New Mexico each have seen more than $2 billion committed to making new weapons, replacing old ones or upgrading facilities.
The pebbles and dust delivered by the Osiris-Rex spacecraft represent the biggest haul from beyond the moon, capping a seven-year journey.
The Florida governor said he backs Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) amid the senator's blockade of hundreds of military promotions.
The South Carolina Republican is upset over defense funding. Allegedly.
David Grusch says the government has been lying to Americans for decades about what it has really found.
“I’m concerned about at some point having an incident that could very, very quickly spiral out of control," the U.S. defense secretary said.
The Defense Department said the city should continue to work with non-government groups to handle the thousands of migrants being bused from Texas and Arizona.