essential workers

New Zealand’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern has confirmed to children worried about the Easter Bunny during the coronavirus outbreak that both the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are considered essential workers. In Monday’s coronavirus press conference, she warned it may be “a bit difficult at the moment" for the bunny to make it to all homes and suggested younger viewers to draw an Easter egg for their front windows instead. The country has been put under a strict four-week lockdown for nearly two weeks now, with all residents having to stay at home and only key workers allowed to work.
Teachers, health care workers and low-wage employees went from essential to expendable.
Millions of essential workers will get no money from the American Rescue Package, even as they work on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Black pharmacist said that though she was initially “more reluctant” to get vaccinated, she ultimately got the shot and is now urging others to do the same.
People working in agriculture, warehouses and call centers in California have all faced higher mortality rates than the average worker.
After months of sacrifice, unions are making their case for putting their members near the front of the line.
Essential workers have had to scramble for emergency child care, either public or private, to keep saving lives.
The United Food and Commercial Workers says Kroger will end workers' $2 "hero pay" May 17.
"The more work I did in the hospital, the more I became humbled by the tremendous work that others were doing."