Fiona Hill

“Putin plays the egos of big men, gives them a sense that they can play a role," said former top National Security Council analyst Fiona Hill.
The former National Security Council analyst predicted how the invasion would have played out had Donald Trump succeeded in overturning the 2020 election.
He yearned to stay in power like the strongmen he admired, she said.
There's one unsung group the Russian president "probably has to worry about," the former National Security Council analyst said.
The former national security official said there is enough historical evidence that shows the U.S. is currently in "a danger zone."
America is already "looking dangerously like Russia," said the former top analyst on Russia on the National Security Council.
Fiona Hill explains what happened during the infamous Helsinki summit.
The revelations came thick and fast in the second week of impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill. Here’s a look at the key moments.
A theme of the impeachment hearings is that nobody wanted to work with President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who according to Fiona Hill had been described as a “hand grenade.”
She compared the attacks against the Jewish billionaire philanthropist to a notorious anti-Semitic pamphlet published in the early 1900s.