Gender reveal party

"It was ridiculous. I don’t have any other words for it," said a local whose house was shaken by the explosion.
The chartered plane took a nosedive into the sea near Cancun.
The massive blaze started when a stunt intended to reveal the biological sex of an unborn baby went wrong.
"For the love of God, stop burning things down to tell everyone about your kid's penis," wrote Jenna Karvunidis.
The El Dorado Fire, which has burned more than 7,000 acres, was traced back to a smoke-generating device from the event, authorities said.
The decade-old ritual is the perfect party for our mind-melting, social-media-loving, anxious-about-gender moment.
“There are plenty of reasons to eat cake,” writer Jenna Karvunidis said. “You can pick one that doesn’t reinforce an attitude of harm toward members of the LGBTQ community.”