
In a new interview with Vogue, Munn explained how her 2023 breast cancer diagnosis led to some tough choices around her body and health.
"The doctor told me there was no rush, even though the radiology report stated my tumor was 'of concern.' In fact, she was going on vacation for two weeks and her schedule was full."
The comedian said in candid videos after getting her uterus and appendix removed that she's already feeling her energy.
The update comes after reports alleged that Dr. Mahendra Amin was removing reproductive organs from women detained at the Irwin County Detention Center.
Concerns grow following allegations that a gynecologist performed unwanted hysterectomies and other procedures on immigrant women detained in Georgia.
MSBNC's Chris Hayes reported on at least two women who claim they underwent the procedures without their consent while detained at an ICE facility in Georgia.
At least 173 U.S. representatives called for the DHS inspector general to look into allegations that a doctor is performing mass hysterectomies on migrant women.
One woman’s fallopian tubes were allegedly “burnt down to nubs” after going to Javaid Perwaiz for treatment.
When you look back in history, these "hysteria" symptoms sound an awful lot like endometriosis.
Oliver Knight claims a Catholic hospital in California broached last-minute religious objections to his hysterectomy.