Islam in the United States

Despite being cleared by law enforcement, Abobakkr and Mohamed, two American Muslims, were prohibited from reboarding their original flight.
Five Democratic politicians made history last night by becoming the first Muslim state legislative lawmakers in Wisconsin, Florida and Delaware.
While several Muslim Americans said they didn't like when the president has made xenophobic statements, they are willing to overlook it.
As the coronavirus pandemic offers time to step back, Muslim Americans rethink how mosques can be more welcoming to women and adapt financially.
Michigan families decorate their homes with lights so that even as they can't meet, Ramadan's festive spirit brightens their neighborhoods.
With Ramadan only a month and a half away, Muslim Americans are having to rethink everything from Friday prayers to planning Hajj.
For American Muslims, the 2020 campaign has been the first time that presidential candidates have recognized their value.
The senator from Vermont has been a top contender among Muslim American voters in the Democratic presidential contest.
The series planned for a Michigan Baptist church by Donald McKay promoted conspiracy theories about Muslims.
Prior to the 2020 election, presidential candidates rarely — if ever — visited a mosque on the campaign trail. But that's changing.