Louis DeJoy

Ginni Thomas, Trump’s appointee to the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board, repeatedly lobbied Trump aides to overturn the 2020 election — and yet she still remains in her appointed position.
As Pride Month kicked off, Jill Biden celebrated a new postage stamp of Nancy Reagan, whose husband’s administration ignored gay men dying of AIDS.
DeJoy "never knowingly violated" any campaign contribution laws, his spokesperson said.
Postal executives say the proposed plan is intended to cut costs and modernize the agency’s operations.
President Joe Biden is delivering Democratic oversight to the Trump-appointed Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy.
The move could alter the course of an agency grappling with delivery delays and rumored cuts under its Republican leader.
The agency pretended to release the postmaster general's calendar in a lawsuit looking to get to the bottom of mail slowdowns ahead of the election.
The postmaster general and the U.S. Postal Service argue they can't comply with a judge's order to return 700 high-speed mail processors to service.
The postmaster general also faces a congressional subpoena demanding documents about his meetings.
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy refused to let state officials review notices before they went out, says Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold.