
“I am going to be ok!” she wrote later on Facebook.
As climate change takes hold, extreme heat is becoming a growing problem in cities across the globe. While urban heat waves have a devastating effect on cities' populations, they also highlight grave inequalities in urban life. As global temperatures rise, our cities are facing an existential problem: How can they combat extreme heat?
“I gotta warn my kids, because I know what my kids are doing right now, they’re probably online gaming. And they’re not seeing this,” NBC Washington meteorologist Doug Kammerer told viewers.
"This is how you sneak in a wind chill advisory without upsetting the viewers," tweeted Rebecca Schuld.
“There was a long series of people involved who tracked me down and ran me to ground," said 91-year-old Paul Grisham.
Leslie Lopez was showered with praise for deftly handling her 9-month-old son's surprise appearance on Los Angeles station KABC.
Betty the weathercat is our new favorite TV purr-sonality.
"Don’t know how they will ever look their workforce in the eye again. Moral cowardice," former NOAA chief operating officer David Titley tweeted.