
Jason Van Tatenhove painted a horrifying picture of a pro-Trump paramilitary organization hellbent on committing political violence.
Members of the mosque asked the judge on Monday to impose a life sentence, describing their shock and terror at the attack.
Rep. Mike Doyle accused Facebook of "picking engagement and profit over the health and safety of your users, our nation, and our democracy."
Charges against anti-government extremists and pro-Trump gang members show a coordinated attack on the democratic process.
The Michigan governor, who was the target of a failed kidnapping plot by a far-right militia group, wrote in The Atlantic that Americans "deserve better.”
Researchers found that swing states are particularly vulnerable to militia activity around the 2020 election.
Sheriff Dar Leaf stood with the militiaman at an anti-lockdown rally. He's part of the "constitutional sheriffs" movement, a close ally of America's far-right paramilitaries.
When leaders "encourage or fraternize with domestic terrorists, they legitimize their actions, and they are complicit," Whitmer said.
It was an "operational mistake," the CEO said after two protesters were fatally shot.
In order to avoid confrontation between right-wing militias and counter-protesters at the famous Confederate monument, officials closed the park for a day.