Prime Minister of Canada

"It’s nice when the Americans are not pulling out all the references to climate change and instead adding them in," said the Canadian prime minister.
The Canadian prime minister argued in a U.N. speech that COVID-19 is a "wake-up call" that current global systems simply don't work anymore.
Canada's prime minister performed the symbolic gesture on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
People are trying to understand the significance of the Canadian prime minister's delayed response.
The Canadian prime minister said Monday that his government would soon move forward with legislation to ban assault-style weapons.
The Canadian prime minister instantly regretted the "terrible image" evoked by his coronavirus mask-wearing guidance.
The White House counselor also suggested that the Canadian prime minister and other world leaders were "jealous" of how Trump "commands a room."
The former U.S. president vouched for the Canadian prime minister in his reelection campaign, despite his history of wearing racist makeup.
Kim Campbell wished for the hurricane to hit Donald Trump's private club in a now-deleted tweet.
The Canadian prime minister was confronted by a man who claimed Muslims "want to kill us."