racial slur

The basketball star discussed the incident during a post-game press conference amid the first round of the NBA playoff series.
The broadcaster apologized for saying something that "didn’t come out quite the way I wanted it to."
Duke University moved the location of a women's volleyball match on Saturday to provide a safe environment for players.
It's a sign that many interpreted as the Grand Ole Opry giving the troubled star its blessing.
Some seemingly innocuous terms in the English language have racist or otherwise problematic histories.
The conservative pundit raises hackles on Twitter after he asked, "What was wrong with Negro? What was wrong with colored? ... There's no problem with any of them."
Former assistant football coach John Hoskins told reporters, "Just to set the record, I'm not racist. I don't mean it in a negative way."
Del. Mary Ann Lisanti (D-Harford), who is white, reportedly said "everyone has used" the slur.
Jeremy Kappell apologized for what some TV viewers heard, saying he "spoke too fast ... to the point that I jumbled a couple of words.”
"I have no right to even imagine the hurt that is caused by hearing that word in any context, especially from a white man," the actor said.