robert garcia

The letter from Reps. Robert Garcia and Dan Goldman followed HuffPost’s disclosure of Border Patrol’s widespread use of slurs and jokes about killing migrant children.
The Colorado lawmaker had a strange new observation about the former president.
Rep. Robert Garcia went after GOP lawmakers for their "political stunt" and "joke" impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.
“She’s insane,” Rep. Robert Garcia said after the incident.
Rep. Robert Garcia shared the anecdote as he reacted to a "totally insane" Jan. 6 conspiracy theory pushed by Republicans over the weekend.
Rep. Mike Johnson had made a wild claim about the true cause of mass shootings -- and his critics aren't buying it.
Rep. Robert Garcia ribaldly ripped the right-wing lawmaker for trying to silence him as he shared one of her most outrageous moments from the pandemic.
The Democrat coarsely called out the Republicans’ failure to present proof of their Biden family accusations.
"It's time for him to go," Democrat Robert Garcia said. "We’ve given him plenty of time to resign, and he has chosen not to."
After losing his parents to COVID-19, the California Democrat has little patience for those who downplay it.