Robert R. Redfield

Trump appointees sought to change reports "in a misguided effort to achieve herd immunity,” House investigators found.
Dr. Robert Redfield accepted a CDC advisory panel's endorsement that the Pfizer vaccine can be given to those 16 and older.
Dr. Charlotte Kent told congressional investigators she believes the deletion order came from CDC Director Robert Redfield.
The role is sure to be one of the most essential in Biden’s incoming administration as the coronavirus continues to spread.
This winter is “going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation,” said Dr. Robert Redfield as the coronavirus spreads rapidly.
At least 8,800 unaccompanied children have been expelled since March.
Experts have long worried about the pandemic coinciding with flu season.
The order came after a top doctor refused to comply with a Trump administration directive.
The infectious disease expert also called Trump's new coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas, an "outlier."
This expert tip could help you dodge potential COVID-19 particles from a sneeze or cough.