Stuart varney

“Enough, Stuart. This interview is ridiculous, what you are doing right now,” Noem griped as Varney repeatedly asked her about killing her dog.
Stuart Varney chided the ex-president’s campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, for supporting Trump’s nickname for California Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney asked Trump's former transportation secretary if she had a response to his September slurs.
Stuart Varney, once a loyal defender of the former president, criticized Trump on multiple fronts.
Lara Trump received an awkward reality check about her father-in-law from Fox Business' Stuart Varney.
"That would not surprise me at all," Stuart Varney said, pushing a right-wing fiction that the president is addled.
"I think he’s doing just fine without social media," claimed the former White House press secretary and new contributor for Fox News.
Kayleigh McEnany told Fox Business that President Donald Trump still believes he won reelection and is not ready to concede to President-elect Joe Biden.
The host called the idea of Trump lying “nonsense” and argued that the president only “exaggerates and spins.”
"She's good for our ratings," said Fox Business Network host Stuart Varney.