the wendy williams show

The music legend pushed back on the talk show host after Williams brought up her marijuana charge from 2002 and commented on her Twitter activity.
The talk show host addressed her on-air behavior last week that prompted some viewers to wonder on social media about her "condition."
Some shows taped in New York City, including "The View," "Good Morning America" and "The Wendy Williams Show" are forgoing studio audiences.
LGBTQ viewers accused the daytime talk show host of being homophobic and transphobic after some eyebrow-raising remarks.
The supermodel responded that she was "totally shocked" by the accusation that she scammed her daughter's way onto the show.
The talk show host recalled her "struggle with cocaine in my past" during an emotional moment.
The talk-show host discovered why you don't ask Roseanne about an ex-husband.
The talk show host also says "black people aren’t really good at protesting. Not since the King march."
At least the newspaper admits its errors.
The event comes after Alyssa Milano defended breastfeeding in public on "The Wendy Williams Show."