United Steelworkers

The president's announcement comes the same day as a visit to the United Steelworkers union headquarters in Pittsburgh.
Trade wars are not so easy to win after all. The president's much-touted tariffs haven't helped furious steelworkers hang on to their jobs.
Workers at U.S. Steel and ArcelorMittal say they're not benefitting from the industry's gains.
He "sold us a bag of s**t" we're stuck with, former Steelworkers leader Chuck Jones says at an Indianapolis town hall.
This Labor Day, workers from across the country will be volunteering. And they’ll continue donating their services for months.
President Trump said today, “I was elected to represent the city of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”But Pittsburghers know about the dangers of pollution.
A corrupt Chinese company that is under investigation by three U.S. agencies is trying to buy an American aluminum firm.
Every 12 days, a member of my union, the United Steelworkers (USW), or one of their non-union co-workers, is killed on the job. Every 12 days.
In the grand scheme of things, when unions do well, everyone does well.