white house press briefing

Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted to reporters that President Trump withheld foreign aid to Ukraine in part to pressure the country to open an investigation into the 2016 election and a conspiracy theory about the DNC’s hacked server.
"People have died," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre replied.
In her response to Peter Doocy, she called the law a “reflection of politicians in Florida propagating misinformed, hateful policies."
"What people?" The White House press secretary hammers away to nail down the question.
"Do you regret at all all the lying you’ve done to the American people?" a HuffPost reporter asked at the White House. Trump skipped the question.
The president took no questions from the press a day after he suggested injecting people with disinfectant to fight off the coronavirus.
The president had a meltdown attempting to rewrite history after accurate reports that he was slow to respond to the pandemic despite early warnings.
While the president holds forth at his coronavirus press conference, the banner on the screen drills down into the "propaganda."
The president has frequently vilified and badgered members of the press, often women of color, in his daily updates on the COVID-19 pandemic.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders doubled down in defense of President Trump after he mocked Christine Blasey Ford’s Senate testimony of her alleged sexual assault.