7 Workout Moves You Can Do With Just A Foam Roller

And none of them are stretches!

The foam roller is a magical tool used to ease muscle tightness or soreness before or after workouts. But not everyone knows that a foam roller can also be used during a workout to tone and strengthen muscles. 

General benefits of the foam roller include improving range of motion and muscle flexibility and -- of course -- melting away tension and tightness like a massage does. It's a relatively cheap tool (about $20) that you can use at home for free challenging workouts. Because it's not a stable surface, working out with a foam roller means you have to use more muscles continuously to stabilize your body.

Body alignment expert Lauren Roxburgh, who has a book about foam rolling coming out in February, believes that the foam roller can "completely transform your body, core and posture," she told The Huffington Post.

"Most people think of it as a tool to roll out tight IT bands," she said, referring to the ligaments that run along the outside of a person's thighs. "But the roller can be a total body workout tool and actually mimic many of the moves on the Pilates reformer."

Here are 7 moves to try on your own, with either a short or long foam roller. Roll on with your bad self:

1. Arm Roll Outs 

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The Huffington Post

Why: This move tones your arms and lower back. It also improves posture.

How: While on your stomach, place the foam roller just above your elbows with your arms extended long. Roll up all the way and bring your forearms in to work the triceps. Repeat 8 times.  

2. Tricep Dips

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The Huffington Post

Why: Tones your triceps. 

How: With knees bent, place the foam roller behind you with your fingers facing forward. If this bothers your wrists, you can also try using fists. Bend up and down to work your arms. Repeat 10 times.

3. Hamstring Curls

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The Huffington Post

Why: Tones the hamstrings and glutes.

How: On your back, place the roller under your feet. Lift your hips up into a bridge and hold. Roll your feet in and out to work your hamstrings. Repeat 8-10 times.

4. Butterfly Lifts

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The Huffington Post

Why: Works your glutes as well as your inner and outer thighs.

How: On your back, place the soles of your feet together and rest your ankles on the foam roller. Drive your hips up and down. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. Pikes 

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The Huffington Post

Why: Challenges core stability while working lower abs and shoulders.

How: Start in a plank position, either on your forearms or hands. Place the roller under your feet and while keeping your legs straight, pike your hips up toward the ceiling. Come all the way back into a plank at the end of the exercise. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. Shell Curls 

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The Huffington Post

Why: This is a full abs workout, plus you get some arm toning because you're balancing in a pushup position. 

How: Come to a pushup position on your hands. Place the roller under your feet and roll your legs in so your knees come as close to your chest as possible. Return to a pushup position. Repeat 6-8 times.

7. Rolling Lunges

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The Huffington Post

Why: Full leg workout, including quads, hamstrings, inner thighs and glutes. Plus, your muscles get more work because you are working to balance.

How: Bring one leg forward and have your back foot rest on the roller. Come into a lunge so your front knee is at a 90-degree angle. Repeat 5-8 times. Then switch sides and repeat.
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Romanian Twists Step 1(01 of16)
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Keep feet and shoulders off the ground by placing all your weight on your butt. Flatten your back and twist side to side to touch the dumbbell to the ground without dropping your feet.
Romanian Twists Step 2(02 of16)
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Goblet Squat(03 of16)
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Keep your back flat and send hips down and back towards the ground. Try to keep feet flat or slightly weighted towards the heelswhile sitting back and down. Work towards getting the crease in your hips below the crease in your knees. Hold elbows in tight against the body and keep dumbbell or kettle bell close to the chest
V-Ups(04 of16)
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Lift shoulders and legs at the same time. When you reach the height of the V-Up all weight should be balanced on your butt. Keep legs as straight as possible. To make it easier, leave arms down so your hands can balance you on the floor. To make it more advanced, raise arms over your head and towards your feet at the top of the "V".
Burpee(05 of16)
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Squat until hands touch the ground in front of you then hop both feet back to a plank position. Lower down until chest touches the floor and push up into a plank. Hop feet back in by your hands and stand up, jumping as high as you can.
Burpee Step 2(06 of16)
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Dumbbell Snatch(07 of16)
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Squat down to pick up the dumbbell with back completely flat. Push through the feet to stand up while bringing the dumbbell overhead. Keep the arm straight and dumbbell close to the body until the hips are completely open, then you can bend the arm, leading with the elbow to "flick" the dumbbell overhead.
Dumbbell Snatch Step 2(08 of16)
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Kettle Bell Swing(09 of16)
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Use your hips. Keep your back flat while sending the hips back and hinging at the waist. Shoot your hips forward to swing the kettlebell overhead. Be sure the bottom of the bell swings as well; don't let it go limp in your hands
Kettle Bell Swing Step 2(10 of16)
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Kettle Bell Swing Step 3(11 of16)
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Superwoman/Superman(12 of16)
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Lift arms and legs off the ground at the same time while squeezing glutes at the top.
Dumbbell Row(13 of16)
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Start in a hollow body, rounded back position. Squeeze your abs and glutes to maintain a good shape while lifting. Lift the dumbbell straight up to your armpit and lower with control. Switch arms and repeat
Mountain Climbers Step 1(14 of16)
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Place one foot up by the palm of your hand. Extend the other leg as far back as possible with a straight leg. In one movement, jump and switch the legs to the same position on the opposite side
Mountain Climbers Step 2(15 of16)
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Tuck Jump(16 of16)
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Jump and bring the knees into the chest then round out your back into a hollow body at the top of the jump. Land with a flat back and a slight squat to absorb the weight of the jump. This is definitely an advanced move.

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