Adam Sandler Tells Jimmy Kimmel The Strangest Thing He's Ever Autographed

It's a hair-raising story, to be sure.

In the nearly 30 years that he’s been in the public eye, Adam Sandler has had some unusual encounters with his fans.

Still, there is one experience that tops them all, he told Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday night while promoting his latest movie, “Hubie Halloween.”

“I was leaving [from getting] a haircut, and a kid came out with a bag of my haircut and asked me to sign that,” the actor said, laughing. “I did that.”

But what Sandler said happened next was really hair-raising.

“On the internet that night, he was selling it and saying, ‘Adam Sandler’s pubic hair,’” he told the late night host. “It’s a true story. ... I bought them back for $65.”

Watch the complete segment below. The autograph story begins around the 2:20 mark.

Sandler’s new movie, “Hubie Halloween,” debuts Oct. 7 on Netflix.

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