John Mulaney And Andy Samberg’s ‘Chip ‘N Dale’ Reboot Makes Fun Of Reboots

The teaser, which features a CGI Dale, a 2-D Chip and a Roger Rabbit cameo, takes a very meta look at the duo 30 years after their Disney hit.

Call it catnip — or maybe acorns — for millennials.

A teaser trailer for a kinda-sorta “Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers” reboot dropped Tuesday and it looks like a refreshingly new take on a pretty stale concept. Disney teamed up with The Lonely Island to tell the bizarre, metaphysical and seemingly self-aware tale of what happened to the two adventure-loving chipmunks, Chip (voiced by John Mulaney) and Dale (voiced by Andy Samberg), 30 years after their popular animated series ended.

Unlike other reboots, the trailer for this reboot — which feels like a play on the defunct VH1 series “Behind the Music” — doesn’t look like it’s targeted toward kids. Rather, it’s aimed at adults who were kids in the late ’80s and early ’90s, who probably also watched “Darkwing Duck” and “Tailspin” and are wary of reboots after what happened to “Alvin & the Chipmunks” and “The Smurfs.” Case in point: There is a joke about the shift in animation style over the decades in the teaser, in which Dale reveals he’s had “CGI surgery done” to an unimpressed 2-D Chip.

If you consider yourself part of the often overlooked micro-generation of many names like Xennials or the Oregon Trail Generation (we do not speak of that other name) and want yet another reason to check out the teaser, we got one name: Roger Rabbit.

Here’s hoping The Lonely Island decides to tackle a “David the Gnome” reboot next. We’re dying to know what happened to Swift.

“Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers” premieres on Disney+ on May 20.

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