Small Study Shows Fasting Can Help You Burn More Fat

“Your body’s fat-burning ability peaks after you’ve been fasting for 12 to 14 hours.”

Looking to burn more fat? You could give fasting a try, according to results from a preliminary study.

The study found that when participants consumed all of their calories within a 6-hour window, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., they burned 6 percent more fat and had more stable hunger levels than participants who consumed the same amount of calories within a 12-hour window, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

“It kind of makes sense,” said Courtney Peterson, lead author of the study and an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “Your body’s fat-burning ability peaks after you’ve been fasting for 12 to 14 hours.”

For up to 12 hours after the start of a fast, the body is still burning glycogen, a molecule that stores glucose (or sugar). After 12 hours, the body begins burning fat stores, Peterson said. [Dieters, Beware: 9 Myths That Can Make You Fat]

However, Peterson cautioned that burning 6 percent more fat did not meet the researchers’ criteria for a meaningful difference between the groups. That means the difference could have been due to chance, and in scientific terms, the finding was not “statistically significant.” But this could also be because the study was too small to show a meaningful difference between the groups, Peterson said. So, a larger study would be needed to confirm these preliminary findings, she said.

Dr. Alexandra Johnstone, a senior research fellow at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, who was not involved with the study, noted that any differences in fat-burning seen in the study are likely because people in the fasting group went all evening and night (18 hours) without eating. But these differences should not be taken to mean that eating food like carbs after a certain time can lead to increased fat production, she said.

In the study, which was presented at the Obesity Society Annual Meeting in late 2016, 11 overweight individuals ages 20 to 45 years took part in two different weeklong phases of the experiment. For one trial, participants would begin, on day 4 of the week, to consume all of their calories between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. In the control trial, participants would, also on day 4, start consuming all of their calories between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Each participant took part in both trials.

While the study found no difference in weight loss between the two trials, Peterson said that there was a nearly 13-hour period, mostly at night, when fat-burning levels were elevated in participants who ate their calories within the 6-hour window.

Besides the increased fat-burning, the study also found that hunger levels were more stable for participants who ate their daily calories within the 6-hour window versus the 12-hour window. Researchers used an arbitrary 100-point scale and asked participants to rate their hunger, with a score of 100 being the highest and 0 the lowest, in each phase of the trial. Results showed that, while average hunger levels were the same for both groups, the group eating all calories within the 6-hour window had hunger levels that varied by 12 fewer points than the group eating all their calories within the 12-hour window.

This may be because those waiting until later in the day to consume their dinner meal still had a third of their calories left to consume, Peterson said. “That might set you up more for binges or unhealthy eating than if you’ve already eaten all of your food for the day,” Peterson said, though she added that more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

For people hoping to try fasting, Peterson recommended starting with a 9-hour window of food consumption and gradually working that down to 8, 7 and finally 6 hours.

However, this type of fasting should be avoided for children and women who are pregnant, Peterson said. That’s because fasting slows down the rate that cells are dividing, which could harm growing children or fetuses, Peterson noted. She also emphasized that anyone with a major chronic disease would need to talk to a doctor before attempting a fasting regimen. Finally, whether such fasting helps with long-term weight loss is still unknown, the researchers said.

Peterson said she hopes to not only repeat the study with a larger sample size, but also test whether time of day affects fat-burning levels. For instance, she might compare participants who eat their calories in a 6-hour window in the morning against those who do so in a 6-hour window in the evening.

Originally published on Live Science.

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Before You Go

The 6 Best Foods For Beating Belly Fat
Brown Rice(01 of06)
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What's in it: Whole grains

The belly-fat connection: People who reported eating three or more servings of whole grains per day had 10 percent less visceral adipose tissue (aka belly fat) than those whose diets included very few whole grains. (The study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and counted one piece of whole grain bread or 1/2 cup of oatmeal as a serving of whole grains.) The catch? Whole grain intake didn't make any difference in belly fat if people were also eating four or more servings of refined grains per day (think anything made with white flour, and one piece of whole bread or 1/2 cup of white rice is one serving.) Those who got the most belly-fat-reducing benefit from their whole grains ate less than one daily serving of the refined stuff. Which means you can't chase your cup of brown rice with three pieces of white-bread toast.

More ideas of what to eat: Look for products that say "100 percent whole wheat" or "100 percent whole grain" on the packaging, not "multigrain" or simply "whole wheat," as those often contain some refined sources.
(credit:Photo: martinturzak /istockphoto)
Collard Greens(02 of06)
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What's in them: Calcium

The belly-fat connection: Researchers tracked the diets and abdominal fat of more than 100 premenopausal women for one year. The years before menopause are notorious for weight gain, but the researchers found that for every 100 mg of calcium women ate per day, they gained 1 inch less of the dangerous fat deep within their bellies than women who didn't get as much calcium. It's not exactly clear why calcium seems to make a difference, but the researchers propose two ideas. First, there's some research showing that calcium helps your body use estrogen more effectively, and estrogen is linked to less fat in your abdomen. Second, high-calcium diets may lower production of cortisol, the stress hormone that's linked to belly fat. The National Institutes of Health recommends getting at least 1,000 mg and no more than 2,500 mg of calcium per day.

More ideas of what to eat: Aside from the obvious sources like milk and yogurt, foods like tofu, kale and sardines are also high in calcium.
(credit:Photo: sffoodphoto /istockphoto)
Salmon(03 of06)
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What's in it: Polyunsaturated fats

The belly-fat connection: Unlike saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats don't pack on pounds around your middle. When researchers asked two groups of people to eat an extra 750 calories per day (if the researchers do a second of this study, we're signing up!) from either polyunsaturated fats or saturated fats, everyone put on some weight, but the saturated fat group gained more in the abdomen, while the polyunsaturated group's weight gain included more muscle mass. (Remember, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Another way to fight belly fat!) The researchers reported that while saturated fats seem to turn on genes that tell your body to store fat in your stomach area, polyunsaturated fats switch on genes in the same area that actually reduce fat storage.

More ideas of what to eat:Other fatty fish like trout, mackerel and herring.
(credit:Photo: LauriPatterson /istockphoto)
Olive or Canola Oil(04 of06)
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What's in them: Monounsaturated fats

The belly-fat connection: Adding canola oil to their diets helped people lose 1/4 pound of belly fat in four weeks, according to a study published in Obesity earlier this year. The subjects drank two smoothies per day supplemented with the oil, where the oil accounted for about 18 percent of their daily calories. By the end of the study, their blood pressure and triglyceride levels had dropped too.

More ideas of what to eat:Oils such as olive, peanut, safflower and sesame.
(credit:Photo: InaTs/istockphoto)
Bell Peppers(05 of06)
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What's in them: A wide variety of nutrients, thanks to the many colors they come in.

The belly-fat connection: Overweight young people whose diets included "nutrient-rich" vegetables (those that are dark green, orange or yellow) had 17 percent less abdominal fat than study subjects who didn't eat that type of produce, according to a study in the Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (Researchers often refer to these vegetables as "nutrient-rich" because their vibrant colors mean they're high in nutrients like carotenoids and chlorophyll.) It's not clear why these deeply hued veggies may contribute to less belly fat (they're also high in fiber, which may play a role), but more reason to eat your vegetables isn't a bad thing.

More ideas of what to eat: Any vegetables with green, orange or yellow coloring should be on your grocery list, like Brussels sprouts, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash.
(credit:Photo: Elecstasy /istockphoto)
Lentils(06 of06)
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What's in them: Soluble fiber

The belly-fat connection: For every additional 10 grams of soluble fiber (which legumes like lentils have a lot of) people ate per day, they gained 3.7 percent less visceral fat over five years. When they threw some moderate exercise into their routines, they kept off twice as much belly fat as those who didn't break a sweat.

More ideas of what to eat: In addition to legumes, load up on fruits, vegetables, seeds and whole grains—they're also high in soluble fiber. If you need some ideas, check out our list of 15 fiber-rich foods for a happier stomach.
(credit:Photo: cobraphoto /istockphoto)

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