Wachowskis Working On 4th 'Matrix' Movie, 'John Wick 3' Director Says

"They're expanding what we all loved," Chad Stahelski said.

There’s a fourth Matrix movie on the way and, contrary to previous reports, the Wachowskis will be involved. That’s according to John Wick 3 director Chad Stahelski, who worked on the original trilogy.

“I’m super happy that the Wachowskis are not just doing a Matrix, but they’re expanding what we all loved,” Stahelski told Yahoo Movies UK. “And if it’s anywhere near the level of what they’ve already done, it wouldn’t take more than a call to go, ‘Hey, we want you to be a stunt guy’ and I would probably go and get hit by a car.”

Surprised, we followed up by asking if the Wachowskis were directing the new film. “I’m not sure of the overall,” Stahelski replied. “I’m not sure if Lana is.”

But they’re involved? “Yeah. And if they wanted help, I would absolutely put down whatever I was doing to help them.”

John Wick 3 is probably the best American action film since The Matrix, which is appropriate – Wick’s director and star met on the set of that incredible movie, when Chad Stahelski performed as Keanu Reeves’ stunt double for Lilly and Lana Wachowski, the filmmaking duo who made the original Matrix movies.

Of course, talk of a Matrix reboot has been circling for a while, with fans particularly disappointed at the The Hollywood Reporter’s reveal that the Wachowskis weren’t involved.

Someone else who may have been disappointed was Keanu Reeves. In fact, The Hollywood Reporter’s exclusive reveal of the project contained Yahoo Movies’ UK interview with Reeves, in which he stated he’d only be involved if the Wachowskis were. “They would have to write it and direct it. And then we’d see what the story is, but yeah, I dunno, that’d be weird, but why not?”

Armed with the new knowledge that the original directors are working on the movie, we asked Reeves how he would feel about returning to Neo, if the Wachowskis presented him with the perfect script, just to see if his feelings have changed. Sure enough, they have.

“That would be a gift,” Keanu said. “I wouldn’t say no to that. Yeah.”

Ronald Siemoneit via Getty Images

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