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illustration: Jun Cen For HuffPost

A no-BS guide to loss. Grief is profoundly personal and looks different on everyone, but there is hope to be found. Let these expert tips and first-person experiences guide you along your own path.


For some, these signs are reminders that we’re still connected to the people we love after they die.
If you’ve just experienced a breakup, miscarriage or other loss, this is for you.
In our "death-phobic" society, few of us make the effort to prepare for death — but the ability to do so is a gift that no one should turn away.
Although there’s no perfect way to express condolences on social media, there are some good guidelines to keep in mind.
"You cannot ‘get over’ possibly a lifetime of love in a few days. Grief deserves its time."
These culinary rituals define the process of mourning across different traditions.
It only takes a minute of your time, but the impact is huge.
Are grieving clothes a sign of respect for those who passed or our way to tell the world our state of mind?
Bereaved parents explain why time doesn't heal this unthinkable form of loss, why platitudes aren't helpful and other important lessons.
"For 32 years, George and I had woken up together each morning, talked about our days over dinner, and curled up closely at night. Now there was only silence."
They may be well-meaning, but phrases like, "They're in a better place" or "It's part of God's plan" can come across as either hollow or insensitive.
Palliative care and hospice professionals discuss what the process is like — and their insights may challenge what you think about dying.


Grief is a sequel to love. Here’s how I make it more bearable for my community.
"When 'Gilmore Girls' premiered, I reveled in the fact that I already had the Lorelai to my Rory."
Recipes and rituals vary, but the instinct to console the grieving with food is one that transcends culture, religion, language and borders.
"Shame swept through my body and settled in my chest. ... I screwed up. Me of all people. I knew better."
After my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I found solace in memoirs and fiction by Joan Didion, C.S. Lewis and more.
"They say that time heals all wounds. The person who came up with that one must have been a raging optimist."
"The women on the app understood my grief and bewilderment better than my own very supportive partner, because they’d been through it or something like it."
"I was clinging tightly to the life I had before. I wanted ― and thought I needed ― everything to stay the same, because if it did, then Simon wouldn’t be dead."
"There was no way for me to see the possibility of healing on the day the sheriff and coroner pounded on my front door."
"In my mind, it’s hard to know what to save, what to delete and what is gone forever. I hoard digital memories hoping they will safeguard me from future loss."
"They say you never forget your first love. In my case, Diane was the only girl I ever loved."
Words matter when you're talking to someone who is grieving a death by suicide.