Jimmy Fallon Sarcastically Mocks Conservatives Over Their 'Tough Week'

Conservatives just want to keep their "children’s books offensive," cracked "The Tonight Show" comedian.

Jimmy Fallon sarcastically joked about a tricky time for conservatives on Friday’s broadcast of “The Tonight Show.”

While the country continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, some on the right seem more focused on whining about “cancel culture” and expressing faux outrage over the “less sexual” Lola Bunny in “Space Jam 2,” the decision of Dr. Seuss Enterprises to pull six old books containing racist and outdated imagery, and the dropping of the “Mr.” from the Mr. Potato Head brand.

“It’s been a tough week for conservatives,” said Fallon.

“They’re like, ‘We just want our bunnies sexy, our children’s books offensive and our potatoes with penises.’”

Watch Fallon’s monologue here:

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