Rainn Wilson Urges Billie Eilish To Stop Binge-Watching 'The Office'

The "Bad Guy" singer revealed just how deep her obsession has gone in the coronavirus pandemic.

Actor Rainn Wilson asked Billie Eilish this week how she’s doing in the coronavirus pandemic, “besides watching ‘The Office.’” (See the interview below.)

And he wasn’t kidding. Sort of.

The Grammy-winning “Bad Guy” singer told Wilson, who played Dwight Schrute on the beloved 2005-2013 sitcom, that she had just finished watching the whole series for the 15th time.

“It is time to move on to another show, really,” Wilson said lightheartedly. “Please!”

Eilish explained that she’s tried to kick the habit.

“Every time I hit that episode that says finale, I’m always like, ‘goddamn it,’” she told Wilson on his “Hey There, Human” show.

But Wilson changed his tune when Eilish stumbled on Dwight Schrute trivia. Among the questions she erred on: “What can 1,000 Schrute Bucks be redeemed for?”

“You should know these,” Wilson said. “15 times!”

At one point Eilish turned to her mother in the other room and blurted, “I’m so embarrassed. Fuck!”

Finally, Wilson allowed Eilish her “Office” obsession.

“I think you need to watch the show a 16th time,” he said.

You can fast-forward to “The Office” binge-watching chat below at 11:20 and the Dwight trivia at 20:50. Or, watch the whole interview and learn about how Eilish is coping in these scary times and meet her new puppy.

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