Stephen Colbert Delivers Brutally Accurate Summary Of Fox News In Just 12 Words

The "Late Show" host gave the right-wing network a stinging characterization.

Stephen Colbert went through the “damning” private communications of Fox News staffers and TV personalities and came to one stinging conclusion.

Fox News doesn’t believe a word they say ― and neither should you,” he declared during his Wednesday-night monologue.

He saved some of his harshest words for Tucker Carlson, the right-wing host who revealed he “passionately” hates Donald Trump.

“Since the revelation of his vast duplicitous hypocrisy, I don’t know what to even believe about Tucker anymore,” Colbert said. “Does he really tan his testicles? Does he actually want to have sex with the lady M&M or is he just leading her on with his pale, pale testicles?”

Court documents also showed Fox News executives lamenting that they called Arizona early ― saying that if they hadn’t done so, they might have had better ratings because “the mystery would have been still hanging out there.”

“That’s right,” Colbert said. “Fox News believes news should be mysterious. They learned their journalism from ‘Scooby-Doo.’”

He even offered up a “Scooby-Doo” clip showing the gang exposing Trump:

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